Anne-Sophie VILLÉ

Photo 216632
Domiciliée à Paliseul (6850)
Née à Bastogne (6600) le mercredi 25 novembre 1970
Décédée à Mont-Godinne (5530) le lundi 31 octobre 2011 à l'âge de 40 ans

Espace « condoléances » 

Cet espace condoléances a été créé le lundi 31 octobre 2011.

Les hommages

6 hommages (2 privés)  

Une pensée pour vous qui êtes sur l'autre rive de son voyage à elle.

Marie-Anne Chalon- 07-11-11


I remember the first night at J 8 Maidenhead. It was a big deal for me, as I had been fighting cancer for some time along with all the treatments and medications that I had been given. J8 was the first time that I had been able to go out without my wig!!
Cancer is a disguising illness that has no respect for age, fitness or anything else!! It just sits there like a knife edge over you, even when you think you have beaten it!!.. God bless you Anne-Sophie, my thoughts are now with your family, who are probably asking WHY?? Maria.

Maria Stoker- 02-11-11


I met Anne-Sophie in Buenos Aires in 2007 and we immediately became close friends. Who could not love her? Her warm smile, her wicked laugh. She was endlessly patient in teaching me to dance, always making light of my shortcomings with a laugh and some reassurance. I met her both in Argentina and in UK, Christmas 2010, but we kept in touch via the Internet. She met her illness with typical Anso strength of character, never complained, almost ignored it. I was go glad she had a brilliant summer of dancing, I just wish she had not been taken so soon. She was a beautiful person, she shone like a diamond and was full of energy, grace and beauty. Sleep well darling.

Kate Rose- 02-11-11


Que dire de plus que tu as été d'un courage exemplaire,à ne rien laisser transparaître quand je te paralais de temps à autre sur facebook...Continue à sourire et à danser où que tu sois...