Monsieur Paul KEFER

Photo 863287
Resident at Vencimont (5575)
Born in Seraing (4100) on 30 June 1931
Died in Vencimont (5575) on 30 January 2025 at the age of 93 years
Spouse of Madame Marcelle DARIMONT
6 memory trees planted (1630 kg of CO2 absorbed)  (31 January 2025)
I plant a memory tree
Espace condoléances (31 January 2025)

Resting place of the deceased, Funérarium Van Royen (Rienne)
Visits, Ce samedi 1er février de 14h à 18h

Crématorium de Neufchâteau of Longlier on Wednesday 5 February at 8 hours 30

Drève des Tilleuls
6840 Longlier

Crématorium de Neufchâteau (Neufchâteau) on Wednesday 5 February at 8 hours 30

Drève des Tilleuls
6840 Longlier

See also :