Madame Monique De Vleesschauwer

Resident at Bruxelles (Koekelberg) (1081)
Born in Bruxelles (1000) on 19 July 1951
Died in Bruxelles (Laeken) (1020) on 16 October 2024 at the age of 73 years
Widow of Monsieur Guy Waeyenberg
Memory tree (16 October 2024)
I plant a memory tree
Espace « condoléances » (16 October 2024)

Resting place of the deceased, Funérarium Van Ees (Jette)

crématorium Daelhof of Cargovil on Monday 21 October at 14 hours

Erasmuslaan 50
1804 Cargovil

The meeting

crematorium Daelhof at 13 hours 45

crématorium Daelhof on Monday 21 October at 14 hours

Erasmuslaan 50
1804 Cargovil

Dispersion of ashes

reprise des on 21 October

See also :